
Is CGM feeding Mass Media?

Posted on: March 17, 2007

While i stumbled upon Flickr, i saw this picture. It is taken by a Flickr user at the high school jazz event sponsored by Starbucks. And he shows a screenshot that his picture appeared in the Seattle Times.


It’s not new. But i believe it’s interesting. Mass media is highly using CGM in their pages.
I identify more and more blog news in the magazines, more Flickr photos in the newspapers and more Youtube videos in web portals. Is CGM feeding mass media?

7 Responses to "Is CGM feeding Mass Media?"

I think this is because its easily accessible and they can spend less hours recovering pictures and content to use in their magazines.

If my photo or my video were to be featured in a publication or on a blog, I would feel thrilled (as long as it is used as a positive example). I also think it shows that mass media is not so “off limits” to the people. There is a sense of accessibility. However, I don’t know what this spells for those from media’s end.

wow..a sharing functionality.
fields inside the master address must be missing since not available to create the order.

The answer is yes. More and more the media relies on it. It is fast and accurate.

Hi Marketallica,

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I think it will be a growing trend, especially with newspapers having to cut staff and expenses. There are tons of great CGM out there and mass media is definitely doing a service by highlighting it. Are there any sites that just amalgamate the best CGM?

Hi. How your project develops?

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