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Hayatımızın birçok alanında zihinlerimizde sorular var. Kredi hesaplama,sağlık hesaplamatrafik cezası hesaplamavergi hesaplama vb.

Tüm bu hesaplama sorularının cevabı için sitesini geliştirdik.

İşinize yarayacak diğer konular, kalori hesaplamaTwitter değeri hesaplama ve sınav puanı hesaplama

While i stumbled upon Flickr, i saw this picture. It is taken by a Flickr user at the high school jazz event sponsored by Starbucks. And he shows a screenshot that his picture appeared in the Seattle Times.


It’s not new. But i believe it’s interesting. Mass media is highly using CGM in their pages.
I identify more and more blog news in the magazines, more Flickr photos in the newspapers and more Youtube videos in web portals. Is CGM feeding mass media?


First resume in google earth.jpg

To View Full Resume in Google Earth Please download Resume here

Or View in Google Map (More easier)

Inspired from MemoryMaps, i prepared a resume using Google Earth for me. How did i prepare? Firstly, i grouped my googleEarth Cv into six sections. They are; personal, education, work experiences, trend reporting, awards and interests. Secondly, i assign different colours of placemark to each group. Then, i placemarked and add some description to related locations. Final step is exporting my placemarks. That’s all.

I am sure that using innovative medium like Google Earth for resume would be impressive for potential employers. And a final note, i am happy to be self employed and not looking for a job. :)

If you liked the concept please digg it

UPDATE: More Screenshots



UPDATE2: Thanks Gizmodo for this great news.

UPDATE3: Philipp Lenssen kindly uploaded it in google map format. Thank you very much

UPDATE4: Here is my comment on James Fee blog

Good points James
I totally agree that using .klm format does not mean additional value.

And i believe that it is all about differentiating and telling stories with innovative mediums. I mean content of resume is not message. Message is “i believe power of technology” and “i’d like to differentiate myself from .pdf masses”

Hayatımızın birçok alanında zihinlerimizde sorular var. Kredi hesaplama,sağlık hesaplamatrafik cezası hesaplamavergi hesaplama vb.

Tüm bu hesaplama sorularının cevabı için sitesini geliştirdik.

İşinize yarayacak diğer konular, kalori hesaplamaTwitter değeri hesaplama ve sınav puanı hesaplama

I am big fan of Digg. With nearly half a million members Digg is the biggest technology related community. It is great example for future of media and community management.

Last month i started to submit news to Digg. My aim was to climb top100 digg user, because i believe being top Digg user is (will be) very valuable achievement. Within a month i climbed to 73. of all Digg user. In this article i want to share my top 10 tips(rules) that make me one of the top digg users.


1. Recognize Big Stories: This rules seem to be obvious, but there is (usually) a recipe for big stories. For example, a story that contains, How-to, Tutorial, Reference or Top10 tag have more chance to get front page story. Also, a story about Digg itself, Google or Apple is always popularized by users

Tip: Prefer to submit, how-to, reference, DIY, Top10 style stories

2. Track Pulse of Internet: To submit more and more big stories, you should have known “What’s populer right now”. My major resources for finding big stories are Delicious Populer, and Reddit. I track populer stories constantly at these sites. The populer stories which already bookmarked by dozens of people have big chance to get frontpage story on Digg, too.

Tip: Track pulse of internet on delicious and reddit. And your own resources of cource (techmeme, netscape, micropersuasion, techcrunch)

3. Interesting Headlines: Some words like Awesome,Great, The only, Finally and Free are usually attracting more diggs than unexciting headlines. Create excitement with your headlines.

Tip: For writing great headlines you should read this and this

4. Humanized Story Description: Diggers usually prefer to quote from the original story. If quotation is exciting there is no problem, but usually there are better options. My advise is some add some human touch to your stories.

Tip: Look up Delicious URL on how people bookmarked your story. You’ll find some inspirational quotes to write exciting description for your stories.

5. Trackback Your Submission: This is not applied by most of digg users. But it can be so powerful. If your story is taken from a blog, i recommend you to add a comment to the story. In comment you can say “I like the story and i submit it to the digg. You and readers please add your diggs to get it frontpage the story…”

Tip: Add comment to the original story to inform readers digg submission.

6. Comment First: Comments added your story are important as the number of diggs your story have. Because diggspy get the latest dugg stories and the latest comment. If your stories have more comment, your stories take more impression and the possibility to get front page increases.

Tip: Try to be the first commenter for your stories. Write comments that spark debates and further conversations. Or ask a question about the story

7. Timing: Timing is so important. Diggtrends have a great research about timing. They conclude that the best time submiting story is 9:00 EST because many office goers start digging as soon as they step in office. My experience confirm this. The stories i submit at night (at noon in istanbul) had less diggs than usual.

Tip: Prefer after 09:00 EST for sumiting stories

8. Make Friends: Digg is not %100 rational of course. People are more likely to dugg stories submited by their friends.

Tip: Make friends. Make generous friends. If you look at Top user screen and sort them by dugg stories you see that some of diggers dugg more than 10000 story. Add them as a friend. They are more likely to add their diggs to your stories

9. Digg Your Friends News: Rules of reciprocation is true for digg community, too. If you dugg your friends’ stories they respond positively and they start to dugg your stories, too.

Tip: Trust your friends and dugg their news.

10. Finally, Enjoy: Enjoy being part of world’s best community. Proud yourself to lead internet traffic

Tip: If you like this story please add your diggs to get it to frontpage. Thanks :)

These were my Top10 tips, what are your tips to become successful Digger?


Hayatımızın birçok alanında zihinlerimizde sorular var. Kredi hesaplama,sağlık hesaplamatrafik cezası hesaplamavergi hesaplama vb.

Tüm bu hesaplama sorularının cevabı için sitesini geliştirdik.

İşinize yarayacak diğer konular, kalori hesaplamaTwitter değeri hesaplama ve sınav puanı hesaplama

Indian cycles are on French streets, but with modern design and electric motor. Two young French created this conncept and named it Cyclopolitan. It is a taxi-tricycle (electric) with transparent roof which rolls on cycle tracks and in the malls. And, it is very ecological and not very expensive, 1 euro by anybody and kilometer. High gas prices and raised green-concicious in society makes Cyclopolitans more attractive for people. (via w3sh)



Moreover, it’s attractive design gives advertisers an opportunity to place their brands. They say that more than 50.000 people daily see each Cyclos in circulation. I am sure their advertising revenue may be much more than transportation revenue.

I am a keen user of delicious. Everyday, i discover lots of same-mind people and lots of inspiring links there. I can not discover same things at anywhere else. Delicious has a network function, too. By adding people you like to your network, find out their newest bookmark constantly. For example, my bookmarks are usually on marketing topics. Add me to your delicious network to subscribe my bookmarks.

The only disadvantage of delicious network is its one side structure. There is no way to connect people you like on delicious. But, there is lot of people i want to thank or i want to just say hi. I found a small delicious hack to send messages people you want to connect. My first delicious message is to my biggest inspiration, Steve Rubel. Let’s start How-Tos.

1. Find Delicious ID of people you want to send message via delicious. And add them to your network

steve rubel

2. Write your message at, them create your messages URL


3. Finally, bookmark this page on delicious and add tag of “for:DeliciousID”. On this example my tag is for:steverubel


Are not there any alternative way to send messages to Steve. If we know his mail address, of course there are. But, even we know his mail address, message is medium’s itself, is not it? I am sure a new and innovative messaging medium is much more effective then usual ways.

*** Please Digg it, and Delicious it if you liked the story

Table topics (via thecoolhunter) is a kind of like a board game – the box features a series of cards with thought provoking questions about everything from money to marriage that are meant to spark a conversation. It seem a big rescuer when there is nothing to talk. And i believe it can be used to improve customer experience where conversation is big part of experience.


Think about cafes, coffee or travel business for example. How do you assess the coffee you drink in a cafe? Researchs show that the coffee you drink with friends you love tastes better than the coffee you drink with people you don’t meet. But, the coffee is the same. But conversation made your experience better. Table topics or other forms of it would great benefit on consumer experiences.

By the way, dont forget the online experiences. How can we spark conversation on online world? For example, Every Monday, Consumating (online network) is asking a sparking question.


Jellyfish is a new kind of shopping search engine. Consumers use Jellyfish like they would any comparison shopping engine to easily search, compare, and select the right product from a trusted online store. But Jellyfish’s difference from other shopping search engines is that consumers earn automatic cash-back savings on their purchases because Jellyfish shares back at least half of the advertising revenue generated from each sale.

And the Jellyfish marketplace maximizes those savings, because retailers compete to get to the top of the search rankings by increasing the amount of cash back provided to end consumers. This creates a competitive buying environment where consumers search and merchants bid with their ad dollars to lower end prices.

Great things are happening there, some screenshots are below. I’d recommend you to sign up to Jellyfish to experience  consumer empowerment, transparancy of markets, and shopping 2.0 at first hand.




Last year, we have met many outdoor with live shows. Some examples are Mexican Tourism trucks and Calvin Clain’s live billboards


In a saturated world these live shows got people attention and create some buzz. Nowadays, an entrepreneur in New York found a new advertising company named Adverlive which offers live commercials in a truck. Their transparent truck that combines the features of 3-D advertising with mobility is roaming around the streets of Manhattan to get people’s attention to its clients.

Vodafone 3G services offer new level of mobile working experience.  To promote their 3G services Vodafone have used these interesting desk cars. This car traveled around London traffic to show Londoners 3G experience in a very surprising way. (spotted by Flickr user Mardagg)




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