
Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User

Posted on: August 6, 2006

I am big fan of Digg. With nearly half a million members Digg is the biggest technology related community. It is great example for future of media and community management.

Last month i started to submit news to Digg. My aim was to climb top100 digg user, because i believe being top Digg user is (will be) very valuable achievement. Within a month i climbed to 73. of all Digg user. In this article i want to share my top 10 tips(rules) that make me one of the top digg users.


1. Recognize Big Stories: This rules seem to be obvious, but there is (usually) a recipe for big stories. For example, a story that contains, How-to, Tutorial, Reference or Top10 tag have more chance to get front page story. Also, a story about Digg itself, Google or Apple is always popularized by users

Tip: Prefer to submit, how-to, reference, DIY, Top10 style stories

2. Track Pulse of Internet: To submit more and more big stories, you should have known “What’s populer right now”. My major resources for finding big stories are Delicious Populer, and Reddit. I track populer stories constantly at these sites. The populer stories which already bookmarked by dozens of people have big chance to get frontpage story on Digg, too.

Tip: Track pulse of internet on delicious and reddit. And your own resources of cource (techmeme, netscape, micropersuasion, techcrunch)

3. Interesting Headlines: Some words like Awesome,Great, The only, Finally and Free are usually attracting more diggs than unexciting headlines. Create excitement with your headlines.

Tip: For writing great headlines you should read this and this

4. Humanized Story Description: Diggers usually prefer to quote from the original story. If quotation is exciting there is no problem, but usually there are better options. My advise is some add some human touch to your stories.

Tip: Look up Delicious URL on how people bookmarked your story. You’ll find some inspirational quotes to write exciting description for your stories.

5. Trackback Your Submission: This is not applied by most of digg users. But it can be so powerful. If your story is taken from a blog, i recommend you to add a comment to the story. In comment you can say “I like the story and i submit it to the digg. You and readers please add your diggs to get it frontpage the story…”

Tip: Add comment to the original story to inform readers digg submission.

6. Comment First: Comments added your story are important as the number of diggs your story have. Because diggspy get the latest dugg stories and the latest comment. If your stories have more comment, your stories take more impression and the possibility to get front page increases.

Tip: Try to be the first commenter for your stories. Write comments that spark debates and further conversations. Or ask a question about the story

7. Timing: Timing is so important. Diggtrends have a great research about timing. They conclude that the best time submiting story is 9:00 EST because many office goers start digging as soon as they step in office. My experience confirm this. The stories i submit at night (at noon in istanbul) had less diggs than usual.

Tip: Prefer after 09:00 EST for sumiting stories

8. Make Friends: Digg is not %100 rational of course. People are more likely to dugg stories submited by their friends.

Tip: Make friends. Make generous friends. If you look at Top user screen and sort them by dugg stories you see that some of diggers dugg more than 10000 story. Add them as a friend. They are more likely to add their diggs to your stories

9. Digg Your Friends News: Rules of reciprocation is true for digg community, too. If you dugg your friends’ stories they respond positively and they start to dugg your stories, too.

Tip: Trust your friends and dugg their news.

10. Finally, Enjoy: Enjoy being part of world’s best community. Proud yourself to lead internet traffic

Tip: If you like this story please add your diggs to get it to frontpage. Thanks :)

These were my Top10 tips, what are your tips to become successful Digger?


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90 Responses to "Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User"

[…] Marketallica has an interesting article by a top 100 Digg user who shares his tips for being successful on Digg (as a user). The english isn’t great (but then again neither is mine at times) but the tips give insight into Digg userland. […]

I am shocked that after this page is in the top wordpress entries for the day, more people aren’t commenting, as you suggest people do.

Good tips!

congratulations and thanks a million for all this advice.

This is really great info thanx, and good luck with future digging!

This is a great post with tons of rich information and suggestions. I don’t think many people (including myself) realize the science or smart tactics to take advantage of Digg.

Did you do any of this to get bought by Jason?

Great work and thanks for the link love!
noah kagan

Great information, off to get started on Digg now. :)

I think you are right on. It’s really a pretty simple formula and like most things, you’ll get out of it what you put into it.

Good Tips.
Actually before submitting my story “ Top 10 things about” I did similar kind of research, but some how I didn’t even got single click. ;-)

When I read a front page story I want to know that it is their on its quality as a story, not the because of the popularity of the submitter.

Tip #1: Apply the ‘Common Sense’ rule- what if everyone did it? Digg rankings (and thus front page stories) would become untrustworthy and people would lose interest.

Please digg stories based on their merrit. ;)

No way in hell I’m going to “add your diggs” to get this lame ass story to the top of digg. This is unbelievable reterded. Digg is not a popularity contest site- it’s a news site!

Interesting (insert sarcasm) reply Chris, and the word is R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D!

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User: Özgür, Digg de nasıl daha yüksek populariteye sahip olursunuz sorusunu cevaplamış. İlginç de biryazı olmuş. […]

Very strange… I hardly dare ask why you’d want to be a “top digg user”…

I’m glad I have better things to do with my time than trying to “win” digg.

“”My aim was to climb top100 digg user, because i believe being top Digg user is (will be) very valuable achievement.””

Nice post and good luck climbing to number one.

Thanks! I have only submitted a few things to Digg, and they’ve mainly been ignored. Perhaps these tips will help.

Chris… Digg IS a popularity contest. USA Today is a news site. Digg is most definitely about popularity.

Interesting info. Thanks for sharing. I have recently discovered the power of Digg. It is much bigger than I had previously thought.

These are good tips.

Gret post. Dugg it already!

A stunning achievement Ozgur, really, and I imagine this article will be on the front page soon :-) BTW I added you to my friends list on digg, name: xakto



Great post, you have my digg :)


Interesting article. What do you mean by “i believe being top Digg user is (will be) very valuable achievement” – how do you think it will be “very valuable”?


Excellent article. Keep publishing such great articles in future!


Thanks for the tips Özgür, Greetings from Istanbul :)

[…] Found Marketallica yesterday while exploring on This is such a great name. The article that brought me there was ok (Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User) but it’s the title that got me subscribed… […]

Slashdot has more members than Digg

[…] There are several components to getting your article to the front page of digg as highlighted by Alemsah Ozturk in his article “Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User” however I feel the most important part of getting your article on the front page is having compelling headlines. Make is so irresistible to them that they have to Digg it. […]

[…] Top ten actionable things that Ozgur did to become a top 100 digg user from Marketallica […]

I like digg and all… But why the hell are people so interested in being a “top user.” It reminds me of 1999 and Slashdot, where people would go on about how they were user #30590 and not #109402. Uh, who cares?

Ok, you’ve persuaded me to give it a try. I’ve seen it all over but haven’t tried yet. Here goes…

[…] Forgive me for indulging in a bit of a rant here.  I recently checked a particular RSS feed and, of the first ten articles, 7 of them were in the style of this post’s title.  For the two people on the Internet who have not caught onto this trick yet, this is because list-style articles are widely considered to be good bait for digg et al and engage finicky Internet readers who don’t want to read so much as scan.  And, I concede begrudgingly, there is a place for that and used in moderation 10 Actionable Tips For You To Increase Widget Sales has some value for people.  As a writer, however, I would caution you against overly imbiding. […]

Great story. I am shore it will help many of us.

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User: Özgür, Digg de nasıl daha yüksek populariteye sahip olursunuz sorusunu cevaplamış. İlginç de biryazı olmuş. […]

[…] Within a month i climbed to 73. of all Digg user. In this article i want to share my top 10 tips(rules) that make me one of the top Digg more | digg story […]

I hope you’ll forgive me for saying this (I’m English you see) but I do think you have missed the point of Digg somewhat. Rather than spending your time trying to crack the system and rise to the top of the rankings maybe it would be nice if you could just post things you thought were actually interesting for us all to read.

Plus, If everyone follows your tips it will have two distinctly negative effects:

1) The length of the tail will shorten and we will end up with even more Top 10 How To Tutorials about Apple and Google thereby lowering the relevance of Digg to many members of the community.

2) Your personal Digg ranking will no doubt drop because everyone else will be doing exactly what you’re doing.

Good luck with your mission.

I totally agree with you on most of the points…infact i have seen that after i increased my friend list in idgg, my stories started getting some diggs:)

Great tips for any first time submitter.

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

[…] 8 Reasons Why Lists Are Good for Getting Traffic to Your Blog | Problogger  7 Ways to Get to the Top of the Popular Page | Problogger  Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User | Marketalica The Dark Side of Social Media And 5 Ways to Avoid It | Influential interactive marketing […]

Buon luogo, congratulazioni, il mio amico!

[…] I am big fan of Digg. With nearly half a million members Digg is the biggest technology related community. It is great example for future of media and community management. Last month i started to submit news to Digg. …Read more: here […]

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

[…] Why You’re Not Getting on the Digg Homepage Gaming Digg 10 Steps to Guarantee You Make the Digg Front Page DiggBait 101: 8 Ways to Help You Get to Digg’s Front Page Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User Beginner’s Guide to Digg Complete Digg Tools Collection What’s One Digg Worth Getting Buried in Digg, Not as Bad as it Sounds The Digg Effect The Digg Algorithm – Unofficial FAQ Spam Digg For Only $20 Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

[…] Ein paar weitere Tipps von Marketallica. […]

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

I tried adding some of these to mine and it wasnt the greatest. I will try again!

I simply wont cook one more meal until my kids visit. I have tried these nice things but in the time it takes me i would rather have some family over to enjoy it with now. I am getting older and the time it takes me to prepare I dont like eating by myself

Hey guys, this message board software this website runs on, is it something i can buy for my own website or is it propriatary?

The Dermacia Dude

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User « Marketallica how to post at (tags: digg) […]

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User « Marketallica how to post at (tags: digg) […]

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

Thanks for the advice, I’ve been submitting news from my t-shirt designer blog with no result from Digg so far, I will try out your advice and hopefully get some feedback at last!

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

Fantastic article. I’m anxious to use your ideas on DIGG. Thank you.

Cool!.. Nice work…

Good reading.
People saying that DIGG is not about popularity are SO wrong. DIGG has become a SEO tool quite a while ago. Want to drive more trafic? Write smart and use the social bookmarking FREE tools. Your articles get indexed in search engines so much faster when helped by UPCOMING or POPULAR diggs.

Remarkable, well-thought out article. Thank you so much for the service you are doing.

It is heartening to see that the comments are overwhelmingly positive and thoughtful. It gives me hope.

If I may suggest, you might like to test yourself at a humorous, yet mildly educational poll I’ve made about “What you Know (or don’t Know) about Middle East Geography.”
You can find it near the bottom of the home page of Math Mojo .

All the best to you. Keep up the good work!


Shite! I posted that to the wrong blog! Sorry, my bad!

Your digg info has been immensely eye-opening to me. I won’t give up on my digg efforts, after all.

Thanks for the info. (And please forgive my stupid gaffe!)


awesome tips! (‘realize i’m a bit late)

[…] Digg Homepage the Most – Center Networks 5 Ways to Make the Digg Front page – Pronet Advertising 10 Actionable Tips that Make me a Digg Top User – Marketallica 12 Must-Have Tools for Active Digg Users – […]

I’m new to digg and found your story very useful. will infom my friends about this digg story. Thanks!!

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User « Marketallica […]

Thanks for informations

Nice info, thx 4 all

[…] [upmod] [downmod] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User « Marketallica ( 0 points posted 2 years, 6 months ago by thilak tags howto tips […]

HP( The Social Computing lab) has released a research papers,which show corelation between the popularity of your post or content on Digg and the time when you submit your post or content to digg.

According to this research the best time to submit a new post or story on Digg is a weekday afternoon in the US.

So, if you are live on the other side of the world , make sure you postpone all Digg submissions until midnight for maximum diggs exposure and do take a Digg-break on weekends.

Thank you for these tips. I am now encouraged to Digg.

Thank you for these tips. I am now encouraged to Digg

Thank you for these tips. I am now encouraged to Digg

[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

[…] dailies.  I also saw this same sort of thing happen with surprising regularity when I lived in Istanbul, […]

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[…] Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User […]

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[…] Recently Gaming Digg has become more difficult due to a change in the Digg algorithm that requires many more Diggs depending on the category to hit the front page. This will mean lesser stories making the front page, staying there longer and a much larger Digg effect. More reason to get your story on Digg now. Digg top users control a large part of how Digg works, and now share their secret to become a top Digg user. […]

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